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Morocco and disputed Western Sahara land ownership

In early 2022 an international energy company requested information on land ownership and social relations in Morocco and the disputed Western Sahara. We carried out on the ground research focused on the following:

  • Identifying the owners of land plots of interest to the client for their potential investment;
  • Clarification of the lands’ legal status;
  • Evaluating the constraints of the legal status for a foreign investor;
  • The administrative, political, economic and geographical aspects of two areas of interest to the client;
  • Tribal dynamics in the areas of interest;
  • A political history of the areas of interest;
  • Key political figures in the local administrations. 

We delivered a detailed and comprehensive report to the client covering the above points. 

To find out how we can carry out a similar service for your company, please contact Jon Marks at [email protected]

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