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Infrastructure Financing Trends in Africa 2012-2017

As consultant for the African Development Bank (AfDB)-based Secretariat of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) we researched and wrote Infrastructure Financing Trends in Africa 2017, and the reports for 20162015, 2014, 2013, and 2012.

The task was to identify key trends in financing of Africa’s infrastructure, we developed and improved the scope and quality of this flagship report in each year we have been charged with its production. The project involved the collection and analysis of financial commitments and disbursements from IFIs, African national governments and the private sector to identify and present key trends in investments made in the energy, transport, water and ICT sectors of Africa.

A questionnaire supplied to European and non-European IFIs (such as Arab Co-ordination Group members, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, etc) and multilateral development banks (including AfDB, WBG) collecting granular project- and country-level data on loan, grant, equity, blended and leveraged financial flows.

The report was produced to the highest publication standards, in English and French, with high quality texts and graphs as well as specially prepared maps.

The work included presentation of the report at a meeting in Africa and submission of a working paper on the consultancy process to the Secretariat of the ICA.

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