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Monitoring & Risk Management

Watching brief

Many African countries are characterised by political and economic instability and unclear decision-making structures. Businesses with valuable assets, major business expansion targets, or other commercial interests in such countries need to keep a watchful and informed eye on evolving political and commercial dynamics.

Whether you are looking to develop a resource, or are exposed to risk as a lender, insurer or equity holder, African Energy’s monitoring keeps you, your partners and key stakeholders informed of relevant events and their significance.


Our monitoring exercises frequently start with a substantial scene-setting report which sets out and analyses the areas of key concern to the client. This provides a baseline to which update reports can refer.

Updates are sent to clients on a monthly, fortnightly, or even weekly basis. The reports provide consistent and thorough monitoring of relevant political, economic, commercial and sectoral developments.

To find out how we can carry out a similar service for your company, please contact Alex Wark at [email protected]

Selected track record